Horses Are More than a Hobby
Equine Feeds
Livestock Showfeeds
Promotes normal digestive “Flow" to assist with Bowel Movements. SayWhoa! is a Revolutionary Product. Horses may become dehydrated and impacted by simple acts of severe weather changes, an abrupt change of feed or long horseback rides. SayWhoa! promotes the normal flow of digestion. It's What You Do First! Packaged in two Pre-Filled Syringes - Two Syringes per horse. You would give both Syringes to a horse or foal over 100 lbs.
Promotes normal digestive “Flow" to assist with Bowel Movements. SayWhoa! is a Revolutionary Product. Horses may become dehydrated and impacted by simple acts of severe weather changes, an abrupt change of feed or long horseback rides. SayWhoa! promotes the normal flow of digestion. It's What You Do First! Packaged one dose per horse. You would give the full bottle.
Did your horse “Eat Up"? Ever worry about your horse not cleaning up his feed bucket. Well now there is a simple answer. Use EAT UP to promote horses to finish feed with aggressive appetite. To promote healthy appetite and support normal digestion. Does not contain Probiotics. This unique formula is great for those “finicky" eaters turn them into real “hay burners". May be given to horses any age, size or weight. Mares in foal or lactating. For Equines Only.
Sure Win is a Pre-Race formula for Performance Horses. Promotes Horse's Peak Performance "FINISH STRONG" WHERE IT COUNTS! Get the Edge on Other Horses Promotes the Normal Digestive "Flow" assisting with the waste buildup. Naturally eliminates the Extra Weight. Horses Breathe Easier with Lighter Weight
Hot Trailers and Dry Hay is not often a winning combination when it comes to a horses digestive tract. This formula will keep horses drinking and maintain their digestive “Flow" to assist with Normal Bowel Movements. Use BEFORE Hauling / Travel, Long Horseback Rides or Use AFTER Severe Weather Changes, Changes in Feed or Stall-Bound

Over active flow through digestive tract produces non formed stools. Use to Promote Normal Digestive Flow. Unique formula promotes normal “FORMED" STOOLS.
If you see signs of digestive flow not appropriately taking place - it may be as simple as your dog or cat refusing food. This is a common sense approach to keeping digestive tract moving correctly with normal bowel movements. This unique formula promotes normal digestive “Flow". Formulated use in Dogs and Cats. Over 3 months of age. Any size or weight. Lactating or Pregnant